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Kata Jūji-jime (片十字絞) is a chokehold in judo.[1] It is one of the twelve constriction techniques of Kodokan Judo in the   Shime-waza list. In The Canon Of Judo, it is called Katate-Juji-Jime.   Grabbing the opponent’s hands is the simpliest way to prevent the collar choke The technique is called a ‘half cross strangle’ because the palm of one hand of the person applying the choke is facing the person who is applying the choke and the back of other hand is facing the person applying the choke. The hands are high up each side of the neck. Scissoring the hands applies pressure to the carotid arteries reducing blood flow, rapidly resulting in loss of consciousness. In judo, this technique is always taught under supervision and is similarly closely observed by referees in competition.    You can follow me on here –  Osu Sensei Mong Phu/@zeerebel Fusion Mixed Martial Arts/@fusionmixedmartialarts  #patreon, #zeerebel, #fusionmixedmartialarts, #mixedmartialarts, #mma, #judo, #bjj, #grappling, #wrestling, #InstructionalVideos  Please contact us if you are interested in checking out the most friendly, personal and authentic mixed martial arts school in Wayne County, NY.  Please Join Our Facebook Fan Page Join Us On Facebook –  Marion, Clyde, Phelps, Geneva, Palmrya, Macedon, Waterloo, Williamson, Ganada, Sodus, Farmington, Canadaigua, Lyons, Victor, Seneca Falls, Fairport, Newark, Auburn, Webster, Rochester, Syracuse New York (NY) State  Call us @ 315-398-8354