Category Judo
For simplicity, speed, and power, few sports can match judo which means “the gentle way.” In addition to revitalizing one’s body making it strong, lean, and supple, judo is the art of self-defense.

Judo is a marvelous sport for people of all ages because men, women, and children develop a quiet self-confidence and a peaceful feeling that one can move freely in the world unarmed and unharmed. As one judo instructor explained “I have been able to walk away from any fight. I don’t have to prove myself.” Centuries ago when Japan was a feudal society, jujitsu evolved into a lethal science of fighting with one’s hands.

As Japan entered the modern world with newer and more efficient weapons, the martial arts slowly disappeared. However, in 1882 Jigoro Kano removed the dangerous foot and hand strikes from jujitsu and renamed the sports judo, “the gentle way”

The secret of all judo techniques is to maneuver a stronger opponent into a position where he cannot use his full strength against you and hence you have the advantage. Kano presented this classic example: Suppose facing me is a larger and stronger man with his strength measured as ten units while my strenght is only seven unites. Obviously, if he lunges at me with all his force. I will be jolted backwards even if I use all my strength to resist. But, instead of resisting him, suppose I move backward with the forward motion of his body taking care to keep my balance. Now he is learning forward and hence is off balance.

In the split-second, when my opponent if off balance, his strength in only 3 units while mine is seven units. At this moment, with a panther-like judo move, it is easy for me to throw my opponent.

Judo requires great finesse, coordination, and focused concentration. When one’s mind is lear and quiet, one sees all the details in an expanded peripheral vision. Awareness of these small details triggers a decisive judo response.


pp.10-3 – 10-4

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