As Mixed Martial Arts get more and more mainstream and more popular, it moves farther and farther away from the Budo Spirit of martial arts. I feel that the general public will love the spectacles of fighting but not understand the deeper meaning of real budo martial arts training.

I started training in martial arts back in 1995 1st in Thai Boxing and than in Judo. Back in the days there was not such thing a mixed martial arts the way we know of it today. There were people who cross train and dabble in more than one martial arts style but not the way martial arts are taught and train today.

We have the luxury of having tremendous amount of information when it comes to books, DVD and the internet. I honest believe the modern day mixed martial artist/fighter are better train physically and mentally. But unfortunately for much gain there is much lost. If we are not carefully as community of Mixed Martial Artist we will be face with backlash from the public that does not understand the amount of dedication we put into our arts. Instead, the public will view us as bunch of brute with tattoo beating up on each other. Spike TV and the UFC franchise does not care if the publics have a complete skew perspective on martial arts.

When I 1st started, I fully embraced Bruce Lee‘s philosophy of using what works and discarding what is useless. Mixed Martial Arts are great vehicle for that since is one of the few arts that are constant battle tested without the foul tactic being use. I truly believe that MMA is the go to art for empty hand fighting arts.

So what is the alternatives. There are several martial arts style that is not very popular in America yet. Kudo is one of them, a martial arts style the combines all elements of Mixed Martial Arts. What make Kudo unique is that the combatant fight with a heavy karate gi/judo gi and helmets. Aside from that, Kudo also emphasis the Budo Spirit as a major component of their training.

For the last year I have been teaching with a slight different emphasis. Maybe I am getting older now, in all my classes my students are require to wear a well fitting Judo/BJJ uniform. Even in the kickboxing class.

We bow before and after every classes. I also started focusing more on self defense which is very vital component of martial arts training that I notice lot of Mixed Martial Arts School tend not to emphasis.

Finally there is belt ranking process for each discipline I teach. This provide goals and milestone for my students.

If you have not check out Kudo, I suggest you check out this book – What is Kudo?

Kudo is great alternative for any martial artist who believe in being well rounded and being able to fight in all phase of the fight game. I believe in the near future more and more Mixed Martial Artist will embrace some form of Kudo. If you are interested in developing Kudo like program in your school pleases contact me.

Stay strong and faithful

  • The media has gone from completely ignoring us in the early sixties to seemingly only granting visibility to those who believe that it’s in vogue to condone violence, and/or that it is okay to send kids the message that adults accept the use of violence as a means to resolve problems. This is not the message that parents in martial arts wish to have their kids taught to value or with which to have them exposed. Just as “Pro Wrestling” is not real wrestling, in a way, perhaps MMA is not real martial arts.
  • How can you teach and preach self discipline, control, respect and leadership when all you see the UFC promoting is violence, vulgarity, pornography and lacking any self control by beating the crap out of your opponent? Are these really the LIFESKILLS we want to market to our students and communities?
  • The same traditional martial artist that embraces the unrealistic artistic form of Hong Kong and Hollywood style martial arts in the movies (flying martial artist, fancy high kicking and Randy Coutureone guy beating a few hundred opponents at the same time) have a hard time accepting the growing MMA revolution. They say that they do not want to see thugs beating each other up without values, honor and respect. I agree yet also disagree with that statement. Yes, many mixed martial arts schools cater to tough thugs and they do not teach values. Teaching fighting without values is just street fighting.
    Mixed Martial Arts Versus Traditional Martial Arts

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