Category workout

The Difference Between RKC and AKC Snatch Technique
The two most popular teaching methods for kettlebell training are the RKC and the AKC methods. RKC (or Russian Kettlebell Challenge) was started in the US by Pavel Tsatsouline and is also referred to as “Hard Style”. The AKC (or American Kettlebell Club) was started in the US by Valery Fedorenko. This is the “Competition” or “Girevoy Sport” style. This video shares some of the technique differences for the kettlebell snatch lift.

Proper Technique for Kettlebell Clean
Learn the best way to transition from a kettlebell swing into the “rack” position. Properly cleaning the kettlebell will prepare you for pressing. You should not bruise or bang your forearm unless you want to do so for body hardening reasons.

One Legged Deadlift
Most of us have a dominant side. Practicing the one-legged deadlift will improve your balance and force you to use one leg at a time. NO CHEATING ALLOWED. Develop improved stability in your ankles, knees, hips and core.

Movement Pro Row
This version of the classic exercise incorporates a calf stretch, hamstring stretch, and triceps extension into one exercise. Not your typical row!

Secrets of the “Bottoms Up” KB Press
Pressing a Kettlebell with the bottom up will improve your pressing skill, add interest to your practice, and insure that you are pressing with proper alignment.

Kettlebell Warm Up
Kettlebell training uses nearly every muscle in the body. And, if you are using heavy kettlebells, a comprehensive warmup (or checklist) is a good idea prior to beginning your workout. Here it is!

Kettlebell Swing Essentials: The Plank
One of the essential elements of the kettlebell swing is the plank. The body’s posture must be erect and tall at the top part of the swing. We are repetitively practicing the postural position. This will have a lasting effect that we will take with us out of the gym.

Kettlebell Swing Essentials: The Box Squat
The safety of the kettlebell swing is increased when the body is in the aligned and loaded position at the bottom of the technique. The “Box Squat” or “Chair Squat” are drills that will help teach you the PERFECT position for the bottom of the kettlebell swing.

Kettlebell Juggling
Play. Adding interest, variety, and excitement to your kettlebell training will make it more fun. This video covers some of the elements of safety and the basic progressions for learning to let go of the kettlebell and then catch it.

Prevent Banging Forearm During Kettlebell Snatch
One of the more common complaints for new kettlebell lifters is that the kettlebell “bonks” on the forearm at the top position of the kettlebell snatch technique. This video covers the reason for this unpleasant side-effect and shares the secrets to eliminate it from your practice.

Essentials of the Kettlebell Swing
The four key elements of the kettlebell swing are discussed in this video. These essential elements increase the safety of the lift and maximize the fitness benefits that are obtained from practicing the swing. The elements are 1) plank at the top; 2) pull into the hole; 3) short breaths; and 4) packed shoulders.

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