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The curriculum will cover standup, striking, clinch, throws, takedowns and then the ground game.

The curriculum will cover standup, striking, clinch, throws, takedowns and then the ground game. All of this is directly out of our fight teams MMA (UFC/WEC/AFC, etc) cage tested fight tactics and strategies. We have laid down the beginner and intermediate curriculum on DVD and we understand its being put thru final edit and we look forward to having that product out.

Its also important to understand what “MMA Training” means to different audiences. We all know people who say they “cage fight” or do “UFC style” training and their so and so friend is a UFC fighter, blah, blah, blah…….those people come out of the woodwork in all organizations or schools. Not just from PMA schools. So I know we are undertaking a huge role here in trying to bring MMA style training to the masses, lets define the audiences that we intend on distributing it to and how we plan on doing it.

Recreational Student – this is the person who is tired of maybe going to Golds Gym and slinging weights around and looking for some kind of cross training and functional skills. Or they have trained in some other martial art (karate, kenpo, aikido, etc) and would like to try a light contact MMA curriculum. Contact also takes place in the beginning on the ground with grappling and also some light glove/mitt work. They may aspire to do some serious grappling within the school setting, but have no dreams of being a pro fighter, getting punched in the face and may not even want a rank of any sort in formal BJJ. This person probably doesnt want to get their face punched, cant go to work with black eyes, etc…but likes the idea of training with grappling, submissions, standup and really good cardio/strength workout. People will learn the basics of standup, clinch, simple takedowns, controlling positions and some very simple submissions.

Competitive Student – this is the person that may have started as a recreational student and got “hooked”, they may get more seriously into grappling competitively in NAGA, Grapplers Quest, etc…and do tournaments and take the “ground game” focus of MMA and pursue it. This person may likely also explore competing in smaller MMA events or interschool events. Students here will learn advanced techniques and strategies

Professional – this is the person that likely has been involved in some sort of combat sport previously (wrestling, etc) or currently is training in a school and wants to pursue MMA as a professional. They want to train in all aspects of the sport, standup, striking, ground. The dont mind banging with headgear, mouthpiece, shinpads and gloves. They are at a minimum a blue to purple belt in skill level in BJJ gi or nogi submission. Lets be serious, there is a very low percentage of people that really want to do this. All tough guys aside 🙂

The level of training you can receive is obviously dependent on the school/instructor you have access to. The Armory Fight Team (Mullings,Franca,Pellegrino,Jimmo, Chaves, Guedes) intend on closely monitoring to the best of our ability what is taught and how it is taught.

Good one, I will truthfully say, I did not know that. But then again, you may want to click on that link I have in my sig. It takes you to the Jiu-Jitsu page where if you click on the instructors name it gives a quick bio of the instructor. And what do you know, he has who he’s trained with, the ranks he’s achieved, and(which some people don’t have or don’t even do once they start teaching) who he is currently training with. See my instructor not only teaches but he is also still training as well so by continuing to improve his game, he is improving our game as well. That’s another reason why I can judge, when you’ve steak, you aren’t just going to settle for leftovers.

Do YOU yourself, teach a particular style of MA or again, the PMA curriculum?

2) How much training do you recieve as an instructor to teach the PMA curriculum?

3) Do you recieve a black belt in a particular style of MA from PMA or do you recieve a black belt in PMA’s curriculum?

4) If you recieve a black belt from PMA in their curriculum, do you advertise that you are a black belt in a “curriculum” and not a particular martial art style

Core10 Fitness Principles
Seeking a more functional definition of fitness

1. Cardiovascular Endurance and Stamina: The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen. The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.

2. Strength: The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.

3. Flexibility: The ability to maximize the range of motion of a given joint.

4. Power and Speed: The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time. Power = Force/Time. The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.

5. Balance: The ability of the body to maintain its physiologic equilibrium in both static and dynamic environments.

6. Agility and Coordination: the ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another: “Lightness of Foot.” The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.

7. Adaptability: The ability of the neuromuscular system to incorporate new movement patterns with minimal learning time.

8. Accuracy – The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

9. Bilateral Muscle Symmetry and Ambidexterity: A comparable “sameness” in tonality, mass and control of muscles bilaterally and antagonistically throughout the body. Not only does muscle symmetry develop a solid foundation for one to deliver power, it prevents injury. The ability to perform tasks “right or left handed”.

10. Mental Focus/Intensity: The ability of the mind, to position the body, to perform at its maximal level. The unique ability to block out all distractions in pursuit of a goal.

The Martial Arts Process
Toward a deeper understanding of why we practice martial arts

Becoming a martial artist has many aspects. Being a martial artist is about making a conscious decision to live. To live means to live for a dream, to maximize one’s potential, to experience thoughts as material reality. We all have an instinct to live. It is natural for us to desire life. When we lose the innocence of childhood however, we may begin to experience fear and all fears come back to the fear of death. Fear can stifle our ability to experience the joy of life and reduce our motivation to become more. Fear is like a prison of our own making and it feeds on itself. Fear is a self fulfilling prophecy. Fear is a state of mind.

Martial arts is an antidote for fear. Being a martial artist means deliberately developing courage. At its highest level courage means learning to choose a different state of mind than fear. This is mastery. As humans we must learn that the only thing we can control is our state of mind, our thoughts and emotions. In order to understand this we must develop the ability to act in spite of fear. One of our most deeply rooted fears is the fear of other people. Men have preyed on other men since the beginning of time. In our modern, civilized, world men continue to victimize their fellows, if not physically then financially. It is a fact of life but one we need not dwell on. By consciously practicing a martial art we learn to concentrate on developing ourselves in many ways. The practice dramatically reduces fear and builds strength and courage. Then, when we feel the results, we are encouraged to practice more and we create an upward spiral. The paradox is that the more we practice the less we see the need for our martial skills. Because we have learned to reduce fear we can concentrate on our potential and our dreams.

All of this has a positive rippling effect outward to our families, the community and the world. By developing ourselves and becoming happy and content we actually can have a profound impact on the human race. Although we experience ourselves as separate from each other, paradoxically, martial arts teaches us that we are not separate and that the punches and kicks are really aimed at ourselves. This is how we learn to be humble, to understand that what we attempt to do to another we are in fact creating for ourselves.

Life is full of contradictions. We have to learn to live with paradox and still function and be happy. By learning to look at ourselves honestly and face our weaknesses we can put ourselves on the road to contentment. We can learn to accept ourselves as we are. When we accept ourselves and patiently work on our weaknesses we gradually become more than we were. Martial arts shows us this process directly, through our own body. The body has it’s own intelligence. It is through the conscious development of the body that we learn the truth of mind over matter. The practice of martial arts is, quite literally, a personal and direct experience of this truth. We learn that, over time, persistent direction of one’s thoughts, through the force of will (mind) can affect one’s bodily characteristics (matter). Muscles and tendons are strengthened, bones are thickened, neural pathways are developed. In a very real sense, at the atomic, molecular and cellular level, the body is literally recreated though the energy and power of one’s conscious mind. What an amazing experience!

The journey to this point in our life is over yet all of the choices we have made so far have created our experience. Moving forward, we realize the task is to train ourselves to be able to consciously choose the correct and appropriate thought/feeling for every moment and place that we find myself living in. There will be mistakes, this is how we learn. The key words are “conscious” and “thought/feeling”. This is the process called life. Martial Arts is one of the very best ways to enhance this process.

Practical Self Defense for Kids
A Guide for Building Confidence and Bully Prevention DVD Available July 09

Description / Benefits

This DVD contains potentially life-saving information to increase awareness of the dangers and warning signs of bullying, how to counter most types of physical confrontation and learning to develop self confidence and respect. If your child is being bullied, this DVD offers help that will give you and your child immediate peace of mind by offering a solution so they can quickly learn to defend themselves. If your child is not the target of a bully then make sure it never happens! The information is primarily aimed at middle school children and their parents.

For a child who is being bullied just one day living in fear is like an eternity – don’t let this happen to your child!
Bullying often elicits little sympathy from peers or adults and is often viewed as the target’s problem to solve alone.
Teach your child how to be confident and assertive – break through feelings of fear and unworthiness to a sense of security. We cannot feel happy until we feel safe and secure.
Show your child that he is not alone and that you are behind him – just by watching this DVD together you will help your child know you care. It is the parent’s job to protect their child!
Give your child the power to defend him or herself – if you do all the work you just reinforce your child’s sense of powerlessness. If you rely on the school administration or other authority you will most likely experience frustration and hopelessness.
Develop Character and Respect – develop a sense of respect for self and for others.
Teach Awareness – help your child learn to become more self-aware and aware of his surroundings and of others’ intentions.
Promote lasting habits of physical fitness.
Develop critical verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
Develop agility, coordination, strength, balance, focus and power.
Prevent serious negative consequences such as low self esteem, lack of confidence, depression, even suicide – you as the parent are responsible for protecting your child!
Have fun learning self defense and developing good habits that will last a lifetime!



46% of males, and 26% of females reported they had been in physical fights according to the school bullying statistics.
The school bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics indicated that those in the lower grades reported being in twice as many fights as those in the higher grades. However, there is a lower rate of serious violent crimes in the elementary level than in the middle or high schools.
The school bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics revealed that teenagers say revenge is the strongest motivation for school shootings
87% said shootings are motivated by a desire to “get back at those who have hurt them.”
86% said “other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them” causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in the schools.
Thirty percent (30%) of U.S. students in grades six through ten are involved in moderate or frequent bullying – as bullies, as victims, or as both – according to the results of the first national school bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics survey on this subject.
School bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics are increasingly viewed as an important contributor to youth violence, including homicide and suicide. Case studies of the shooting at Columbine High School and other U.S. schools have suggested that bullying was a factor in many of the incidents.
American Justice Department statistics show that 1 out of 4 kids is bullied.
School bullying statistics surveys show that 77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally, & physically. Cyber bullying statistic are rapidly approaching similar numbers.
In a recent school bullying statistics study, 79% of the students said they had been bullied. And 14% of those who were bullied said they experienced severe (bad) reactions to the abuse.
Each day 160,000 students miss school for fear of being bullied.
Studies show that 43% fear harassment in the bathroom at school.
A poll of teens ages 12-17 proved that they think violence increased at their schools.
Statistics showed that 282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month.
More youth violence occurs on school grounds as opposed to on the way to school.
Approximately every 7 minutes a child is bullied. Only 4% of the time was there adult intervention and only 11% of the time was there peer intervention. 85% of the time there was no intervention.

I. Bullying

Bullying is a very serious problem that is often handled incorrectly or ignored. It is the job of the parent to take this situation VERY SERIOUSLY. It is the parent’s job to keep the child safe. Under estimating or under reacting to a situation where your child is having trouble can lead to very real and negative consequences such as low self esteem, lack of confidence, depression, even suicide.

Warning signs:

Depressed attitude – appears anxious and/or suffers from low self-esteem
Sudden drop in grades
Getting in trouble and denying that he started it esp fighting.
Loss or damage to personal belongings – books, clothes, ipods etc.
Unexplained bruises, cuts etc.
Complains frequently of headaches, stomachaches, or other physical ailments – suddenly not wanting to go to school.
Has trouble sleeping or has frequent bad dreams about bullying in school
Experiences a loss of appetite

Definition of Bullying

The term bullying is often misused. It is a serious accusation so it is important that it is recognized accurately.

There are three very important criteria to determine whether bullying is occurring:

It is a reoccurring event – that is, it happens more than once or twice and seems to escalate
There is a malicious and deliberate intent
The action is hurtful and escalates if left unchecked

Types of Bullying

There are many different forms of bullying. Also understand bullying is not limited to the schoolyard, it can happen in the neighborhood, the athletic field, etc.

Name calling, verbal abuse, spreading rumors and the like can happen in many different ways including cyber-bullying.
“Practical jokes”, leaving an individual out of an activity, ganging up to tease or persuading others to reject or get a child in trouble.
Taking or damaging belongings, lunch money, locker items, etc.
Physically intimidating, threatening, or actually attacking a child. Fighting where one child is repeatedly dominated.

The costs of not attending to bullying can be severe and life long in many cases. All of forms of bullying are serious and require IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. In many cases people view the problem of bullying as the target’s problem to solve alone.

In this DVD we will primarily address schoolyard bullying and more specifically how to defend against physical confrontation. Self defense takes many forms and varying degrees. Learning to protect against attacks that harm one’s mental well being, self-esteem and self-confidence is critical and techniques must be developed in this area in the same way as the development of physical techniques. Understanding verbal and non-verbal communication is important. Self defense against abduction, armed attacks or anything of a life threatening nature should be cultivated to some degree in the same way a family should have a plan for escape from a fire or other emergency. The notion of self defense or “self development” can even extend to the ideas of injury prevention, health and fitness, financial well being or anything that serves to helps an individual live a successful and happy life.

In this volume we will confine ourselves to an overview of the basic practical remedies to a non-life threatening, socially oriented physical confrontation for boys and girls of middle school age (6th -10th grade). We say “practical” because it is very important to put these types of encounters into a real life perspective and understand the implications of our actions. For example, say a bully flicks off a 14 year old boy’s hat or bumps him with a shoulder to get a laugh. It would be inappropriate for the victim to respond by breaking the bully’s nose and punching him in the throat thereby severely injuring his harasser. In fact, doing so could lead to severe and even legal consequences for the boy. We will give you techniques design to allow the child to defend and escape with minimal or no permanent injury to the bully.

Furthermore, if the boy had been given the training provided in this DVD and had been able to develop his self defense skills and his confidence to a degree, the whole incident probably would have been avoided because the bully would instinctively not chosen him for a target. Even if the incident did happen (maybe the boy was new to the school and the bully did not know him) the boy would not have viewed himself as a victim and would have been able to demonstrate his confidence in his own knowledge of self defense in a way that let everyone know that they should respect him. In this way, not only is the boy helping himself but he is helping his classmates, the teachers and even the bully. This is why, we believe, that martial arts training goes beyond simply “self-defense” or self preservation and is, in a very real sense, a way to make our community and our world a better, safer place.

We must also consider the “cool” factor, especially in middle school. Middle school kids are very concerned about looking cool in front of their peers. For this reason, if a kid yells “Stop!” or “Get back!” the way he may have been taught as part of a self defense program aimed at stopping abduction or child abuse, he may come off looking silly in front of his classmates and actually make the problem worse. Compounding the problem is the fact that many bullies look and act like nice normal kids to most everyone and they rarely look like they do in the movies or TV. Parents, teachers and even other students may not see or believe the meanness that a bully shows toward his target. This is because these types of kids can be very adept at manipulating adults and playing different roles.

A word about practical and “appropriate” response for both child and parent. Each case and each incident is different and each response must be measured with common sense. What we will teach you in this volume may or may not be endorsed by a particular school administration. We are speaking to parents and their children as martial arts instructors and as parents ourselves, not on behalf of any institution or bureaucracy. If you suspect your child is being bullied, you must do your best to evaluate the details of the situation. If you believe that your child is not capable of dealing with the situation then you must step in FULL FORCE. Remember, while individual teachers or administrators MAY (or may not) care about you and your child many schools have strict codes and regulations about how they deal with any kind of unapproved behavior, especially fighting. Therefore, your child’s best interests may not be served by the administration. It is critical that you support your child even if the administration does not. Your child may not like it, and the school administration certainly won’t, but if your child is being bullied and can’t defend him or herself, YOU HAVE TO RAISE HELL AND FORCE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PAY ATTENTION AND RESOLVE THE SITUATION. Speak to everyone at the school, demand meetings with the school board, threaten lawsuits or public attention, make life a living hell for the bully and his parents. NO ONE MESSES WITH YOU KID! If your child has to use physical force to defend against a bully then a suspension from school may be a small price to pay to alleviate the problem. Make sure you back your child all the way. Don’t let them think that they will get in trouble with you if they stand up to a bully. You must give your child the self confidence to stand up to a bully. Remember, bullying is a very serious accusation these days so you must be sure of the situation. Use common sense, stay calm, talk to your child, your spouse and, if you can, someone who may have some experience. Go online and look for blogs and hear what other parents report about their own experiences.

We are not really concerned here with why a bully does what he or she does. That is for the psychologists and school administrators, etc. We are mainly concerned with what we need to do to stop the situation and give our child the power to defend herself. The best possible way to do that is to prevent it from happening. If you introduce yourself and your child to the information in this DVD, you will be making a great investment. If your child has already been the target of a bully it is not too late. This DVD is designed to give the child the tools to defend himself with a minimum amount of practice. If you and your child practice these techniques twice a week for 2-3 months you will be able to put them to use effectively. In addition, this curriculum is designed for anyone, not just kids who are strong or athletic or martial artists.

II. The Right to Self Defense and the Responsibility of the Martial Artist

Everyone has a right to defend themselves including children. This is the law.

No one has any right, no matter what to hurt you in any way. Self defense is different than fighting. Develop the Warrior’s attitude. Most people are brought up to be nice and polite. We have to let our kids know it’s OK to say “no” or to be assertive when it comes to their safety and their personal well being – no matter who it is.

RAD – Recognize = awareness of a situation. Avoid if possible. Defend if necessary.

Talk to your child about the possibility of having to defend himself and when that would be necessary. Rehearse different possible scenarios and make sure he feels confident in his abilities. Assure him that you will back him up if he gets into trouble. Remember – it is best to be prepared even if bullying isn’t a current problem and that self defense has many rewards even if one never actually has to use it.

Some people, well meaning and with good intentions, will say that violence is never justified. It is my firm belief that it is each individual’s responsibility to stand up to forces of evil and terrorism and this includes children. If a person is put into a situation where he is forced to defend himself against a physical assault and in the course of this the attacker is injured, this is not only a public service for the community, but may well have an important positive impact on the life of the attacker.

Important Concepts

A. It is always best not to use physical force. The fact is, that by learning the techniques in this DVD you are actually REDUCING the chances of getting into a fight or physical confrontation. How? Because confidence and “inner strength” are repellant to bullies. They can sense when a potential target is going to be more trouble than they are worth and a bully always wants power not challenge. Learn to use verbal techniques to deflect the bully’s aggression. Think like a comedian who has to deal with a heckler in the audience. Have a comeback ready and rehearse it – just be prepared if the bully gets angry to stand your ground, but know that is the beginning of the end (see below). The bully will probably move on after that because that is not the reaction he is hoping for. Or you can ignore the bully confidently as if he doesn’t even exist. This is often the best move but it takes a lot of confidence – the kind you can develop by knowing that you can handle a physical confrontation if necessary.

B. Report the bullying to school administration and get on record. Demand that they take action. Document each report. Don’t expect results just get on record in case you have to use it later. You can read story after story of parents who have tried to go through the system with heartbreaking results. The system is broken. It is up to the individual family to resolve this situation. DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU RESOLVE THE PROBLEM. Talk about it with your child. Let the child know you are behind him. Do not send the child in to “take care” of the situation himself. Encourage the child to surround himself with friends, tell the bully to stop and, above all, be true to himself.

C. Most schools have a zero tolerance policy for fighting/violence (which are ridiculous and have unintended consequences) and no school administrator will ever tell you that it is OK for your child to physically defend himself because they have to be politically correct. Schools are beauracracies where many teachers and administrators are little more than robots and even the capable ones are handcuffed by political agendas and policies. Most adults are unaware, unconcerned or unsympathetic to the effects of bullying. Many adults think that teasing and bullying is just a fact of life in middle school. The overall message is that the individual has no power. Don’t believe it. Each person DOES have the right by law to defend himself from physical harm.

D. Physical force in the course of self defense is only to be used if facing an imminent attack and there is no other course of action available. The main goal for the development of self defense techniques is to NEVER have to use them and if you do, to be able to control your attacker confidently and easily without hurting them. This is known as self-mastery and it is the highest goal of the martial arts.

E. A True Martial Artist is a champion for freedom and justice. He never misuses his skills and sees himself as a protector of people who are less able to defend themselves. He is never offensive or aggressive with his martial skills and only seeks to contribute positively to his community. If everyone were able to study martial arts the world would be a much safer place because the bullies and criminals would be able to learn the lessons of humility and respect.

Martial Artist’s Creed

I will look for the good in all people and make them feel worthwhile.
I will always be in a positive frame of mind and convey this feeling to every person I meet.
I will give so much time to the improvement of myself that I will have no time to criticize others.
If I have nothing good to say about a person, I will say nothing.
I will continuously work at developing love, happiness and loyalty in my family and acknowledge that no other success can compensate for failure in the home.
I will develop myself to the maximum of my potential in all ways.
I will be as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
I will always remain loyal to my country and obey the laws of the land.
I will forget about the mistakes of the past and move on to greater achievements in the future.
I will maintain an attitude of open mindedness towards another’s point of view while holding fast to what I know to be true and honest.
I will maintain an attitude of respect towards those in authority and demonstrate this respect at all times.
I will become and remain highly goal oriented throughout my life.
As a Martial Artist, I understand the value of life, therefore I am committed to a drug free existence.

III. Benefits of Self Defense Training

Ultimately we all want to be happy – meaning “feel good” – that is, confident, capable, secure. Self defense training can really help in this area because it goes to the very core of “survival of the fittest” which is one of the driving forces of our culture. Now, not everybody is designed to be a “warrior” but everyone can learn to feel more confident in the area of personal safety and the younger you start the better the results.

For a kid who is being bullied just one day living in fear is like an eternity. That is something no kid should have to endure, yet according to statistics many do. This should make you very angry. We know it does for us and that is why we have made this product.

One of the main reasons that self defense training works is because physical “action” or movement is a way to directly reduce feelings of fear. Next time you are feeling anxiety or fear just try going for a run or a hard hike or lifting weights. You will feel less fearful immediately afterward. This is due to our “fight or flight” mechanism that is hard wired into our bodies. When faced with stress our bodies have a natural adrenaline response which prepares us for physical action. The problem is, that in our modern world, we are often subjected to constant “low level” stress and no way to release the adrenaline and allow our bodies to restore the equilibrium. As a result, the stress builds up and creates more stress and fear. It is very important to learn to release this negative energy.

Add to this the acquisition of new physical skills and you have even longer lasting feelings of satisfaction because you are proving to yourself that you are capable and in control of yourself. Further, when we combine physical activity and mental focus to learn self defense skills, we enjoy feelings of lasting confidence because we feel that we can “survive” in the jungle that is the schoolyard, neighborhood, playground and later in life, the office, bar or the street.

One of the key to happiness is in the way we express ourselves. When we express power, love, confidence then that is how we feel and others can feel it too. When we express fear, doubt, insecurity then we and others feel that way. This is the way bullies or attackers often choose their targets. They can feel with animal instincts when a person themselves feels vulnerable and they are drawn to it like a magnet. This is why the very practice of martial arts and self defense is enough to change your life around, because it is a physical EXPRESSION of power and an AFFIRMATION of life to yourself and the world. This is why you don’t have to become a world champion for it to work for you. And this is behind the paradox of why you will most likely never need to use your training – because you will not be expressing yourself as a victim. Instead, you can learn to become aware of and express positive, powerful feelings.

IV. Practical Self Defense Techniques – please refer to DVD for this section

Strategic means “overall plan,” especially used in connection with war.

Tactical means “specific plan or action used to carry out a strategy.”

Honor: You do not lie. Your word must mean something.

Benevelence. Showing kindness when you don’t have to.

Having integrity. What is that? It means that what you say, what you think, and what you do is all integrated. No inconsistencies.

Humility and redress. No one is perfect, including you. When you make mistakes admit them at least to yourself. If you hurt someone else in words or actions apologize and make it right.

Courage. Sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing. Do the right thing anyway.

Tenacity. Discipline yourself to keep trying at times when it is difficult to do so.

By Robert L. Humphrey

Wherever I go,
everyone is a little bit safer because I am there.

Wherever I am,
anyone in need has a friend.

Whenever I return home,
everyone is happy I am there.


From Naikan therapy:

Ask yourself these questions to help you to see reality more clearly:

1. Who has helped me?
2. Who have I caused trouble or extra work for?
3. Who have I helped?



If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build ‘em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on”;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run –
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man my son!

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