Category Inspiration

I just finished reading chapter 4 of Mindset the new Pyschology of Success. Chapter 4 focus on mindset in the context of competitve sports such as basketball, soccer, golf, tennis, track and field, etc.

There were 3 major finding that the author pointed out that are necessary to achieve maximum result they are:

  •  Those with the growth mindset found success in doing their best, in learning and improving. And this is exactly what we find in the champions.
  • Those with growth mindset found setbacks motivating. They’re informative. They’re a wake-up call.
  • People with the growth mindset in sports took charge of the process that bring success  – and that maintain it.

Grow Your Mindset

  • Are there sports you always assumed you’re bad at. Well, maybe you are, but then maybe your aren’t. It’s not something you can know until you’ve put in a lot of effort. Some of the world’s best athlete didn’t start our being that hot. If you have a passion for a sport, put in the effort and see.
  • Sometimes being exceptionally endowed is a curse. These athletes may stay in a fixed mindset and not cope well with adversity. Is there a sport that came easily to you until you hit a wall? Try on the growth mindset and go for it again.
  • “Character” is an important concept in the sports world, and it comes out of a grwoth mindset. Think about times you’ve need to reach deep down inside in difficult sports matches. What could you do next time to make sure you’re in a growth mindset in the pinch?
  • Athletes with a growth mindset find success in learning and improving, not just winning. The more you can do this, the more rewarding sports will be for you – and for those who play them with you.

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